Liberty Cap Press


Bronze Flying Penis
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife
Thou Shalt Not Steal
S.B. Alger & Lee Taylor

"..skinny drug whores were my addiction." S.B. Alger

Pedophilia & Antisemitism & Religious Fanaticism
Blend Together Seamlessly
In one Body

"I don't trust Sean, he is one of them" - Tracy Twyman

A concern that Tracy Twyman voiced to her widower a few days before her untimely death.

..and Who 'Suicided' Tracy R. Twyman? *

"..posing as a husband and wife"

Agent #001: Sean Bryan Alger Agent #002: Nurse Lee Taylor of Boise Idaho

"that somebody was her friend that turned... this was somebody she knew that this, okay, and somebody was posing as a husband and wife is what I was getting.."

"She was kind of struck by somebody she felt was a friend of hers so this is a betrayal on a total level.

Hollywood crowd Diva & Psychic, Sloan Bella and channeling Tracy R. Twyman on July 18th 2019 **

"..struck by somebody she felt was a friend of hers.."

Lee (Alicia) Taylor Text Message via Sean Bryan Alger Phone to Tracy Twyman:  Sean Alger: 4:18 PM On our way.  Sean Alger: This is Lee Sean's girlfriend Imao so we are now on our way to the correct address 4:22 PM
Lee Taylor (and Sean Bryan Alger) fits Sloan Bella's description on Tracy Twyman's murderers, in contrast to S.B. Alger accusations:  "..struck by somebody she felt was a friend of hers.."

A "girlfriend", not a "fiancée" as S. B. Alger fantasizes and claims.
Hence "..posing as a husband and wife"..

..and the drugging of Tracy R. Twyman...

A Text Message to Tracy R. Twyman:  Sean Alger:  "Wow Yeah, it's a far out drug. I love it. I'll tell you more in a bit"  9:58 AM

"..there was some sort of.. kidnapping but somebody moved her and.. used something in the physical body that stopped her like.. a muscle relaxant; but she couldn't move her arm she couldn't move her legs she could kind of hear but she could not free herself and she was held somewhere.."

Hollywood crowd Diva & Psychic, Sloan Bella and channeling Tracy R. Twyman on July 18th 2019 **

"made to look like a suicide,"

A very plausible statement:
For both S.B. Alger and his girlfriend Nurse Lee Taylor do work with immobile patients.
Thus, moving and placing an 'immobile', limp', and 'drugged' person, like Tracy Twyman, in a desired position "to look like a suicide" would be a nationally certified expertise of both S.B Alger and Lee Taylor

Contact Name: Lee Taylor Contact Info: Email & Direct Job Title: Counterintelligence Officer Location: United States, District of Columbia, Washington, D.C. Company: U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Name:

An Expert on Abuse
S.B. Alger abusing one of his Disabled & Immobile Clients..

A Coward with no Dignity nor Humanity

Reddit: sewneo (S.B. Alger):  "Very Gnostic. Oh! Btw... for some reason... Devout Muslims in wheelchairs made me LOL> I felt horrible."

⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣤⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢤⣤⡀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢻⣿⣆⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⣿⣿⣇⠀ ⠀⢀⣿⣿⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢼⣿⣿⣿⡄ ⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇ ⠀⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠇ ⠀⠀⢿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠙⠋⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠙⠋⠀⠀ 

Agents of Darkness
In Action & Words
"Ye shall know them by their fruits"

"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." 
KJV John 4:7-8

Discord Server: S.B. Alger 10/29/2021: * “..addressing the suspicion that many of us have about him being involved in Tracy's death?”  ★ name anyone as a suspect. ★ Tracy Twyman's 'husband' ★ a Muslim? ★ Try as you may! ★ That woman's husband ★ her freaky 'husband'), ★ Because were bigger. ★ Her husband is scum, ★ Her crazy "husband" ★ husband skipped town ★ you killed Tracy Twyman' ★ Is her husband ★ Tracy's butthurt husband ★ her second husband? ★ Her husband ★ her late husband keeps ★ from her 'husband', ★ Tracy's personal life ★ from her husband. ★ with her second husband ★ He's a jealous little SOB. ★ censoring your dead wife ★ It allegedly belong to her "husband", ★ Twyman's douchebag widower ★ She deserves so much better. ★ hijacking her life's work and legacy. ★ her husband whacked her. ★ Welcome to the giant ball of suffering! snip off part of your dick now. Fuck thi..  Discord Server:  S.B. Alger 02/05/2021 "Yeah, it's run by Tracy's husband."  ★ made to look like a suicide, ★ LEAVE TRACY ALONE OR IM COMING FOR YA. ★ Have you discussed her husband ★ He wants to cannibalize Tracy's legacy ★ that same asshole? ★ other interaction with him? ★ you killed Tracy. ★ is a son of a bitch. ★ her weirdo keeps ★ must have an ironclad alibi ★ celebrating her death? ★ her crazy Arab husband, be warned. ★ Is it the husband for real?! ★ ...AND GET THIS...HE IS VERY FOND OF "PIZZA"... ★ goat fucker. ★ may you receive what you deserve ★ wouldn't be surprised if he iced her, ★ he's got a lot of connections ★ he's absolutely taking the piss ★ Was he a threat to her work, and maybe more, all along? ★ has issues ★ number of her husband ★ her husband was involved in her passing. ★ You're messed up ★ he could be her handler. ★ What a little bitch ★ Her hubby is responsible. ★ little bitch. ★ you are extraordinarily pathetic and shame Tracy's memory. ★ her 2nd marriage was set up ★ has something to do with her "husband". ★ Are you one of the monsters ? ★ a narcissistic physcopath ★ psychotic. ★ he's just mentally ill and demon-possessed ★ made any comments? ★ out of respect for her death, ★ but she cucked Brian with him ★ he is damaging people's lives and reputations! ★ her husband had ties to the trafficking group ★ You are pathetic and weak and everyone knows this. ★ He is a... (excuse the pretty sailor mouth) a real bitch ass niqqa!!! ★ Feel free to go fornicate yourself ★ a monster. ★ she realized what a weak pathetic worm you were ★ this fool is taking all of that into account, ★ want to BURY HER again ★ in contact with her husband, but not me directly.

Discord Server: S.B. Alger 10/29/2021:
“..addressing the suspicion that many of us have about him being involved in Tracy's death?”

★ name anyone as a suspect.
★ Tracy Twyman's 'husband'
★ a Muslim?
★ Try as you may!
★ That woman's husband
★ her freaky 'husband'),
★ Because were bigger.
★ Her husband is scum,
★ Her crazy "husband"
★ husband skipped town
★ you killed Tracy Twyman'
★ Is her husband
★ Tracy's butthurt husband
★ her second husband?
★ Her husband
★ her late husband keeps
★ from her 'husband',
★ Tracy's personal life
★ from her husband.
★ with her second husband
★ He's a jealous little SOB.
★ censoring your dead wife
★ It allegedly belong to her "husband",
★ Twyman's douchebag widower
★ She deserves so much better.
★ hijacking her life's work and legacy.
★ her husband whacked her.
★ Welcome to the giant ball of suffering! snip off part of your dick now. Fuck thi..

Discord Server: S.B. Alger 02/05/2021:
"Yeah, it's run by Tracy's husband."

★ made to look like a suicide,
★ Have you discussed her husband
★ He wants to cannibalize Tracy's legacy
★ that same asshole?
★ other interaction with him?
★ you killed Tracy.
★ is a son of a bitch.
★ her weirdo keeps
★ must have an ironclad alibi
★ celebrating her death?
★ her crazy Arab husband, be warned.
★ Is it the husband for real?!
★ goat fucker.
★ may you receive what you deserve
★ wouldn't be surprised if he iced her,
★ he's got a lot of connections
★ he's absolutely taking the piss
★ Was he a threat to her work, and maybe more, all along?
★ has issues
★ number of her husband
★ her husband was involved in her passing.
★ You're messed up
★ he could be her handler.
★ What a little bitch
★ Her hubby is responsible.
★ little bitch.
★ you are extraordinarily pathetic and shame Tracy's memory.
★ her 2nd marriage was set up
★ has something to do with her "husband".
★ Are you one of the monsters ?
★ a narcissistic physcopath
★ psychotic.
★ he's just mentally ill and demon-possessed
★ made any comments?
★ out of respect for her death,
★ but she cucked Brian with him
★ he is damaging people's lives and reputations!
★ her husband had ties to the trafficking group
★ You are pathetic and weak and everyone knows this.
★ He is a... (excuse the pretty sailor mouth) a real bitch ass niqqa!!!
★ Feel free to go fornicate yourself
★ a monster.
★ she realized what a weak pathetic worm you were
★ this fool is taking all of that into account,
★ want to BURY HER again
★ in contact with her husband, but not me directly.


Tracy Twyman and Tracy Twyman Estate are not affiliated with the parties of "S. B. Alger", a.k.a. "Sean Alger", "Sean Bryan Alger", "SB Alger", "S B Alger"; 'S. B. Alger Studio', nor 'James Maiden', a.k.a. "Jim Maiden", nor 'Weaving Spider Web'.
Please be advised that the parties above are not hired nor endorsed by Tracy Twyman Estate.

Absolutely the parties above do not, nor their statements do represent Tracy Twyman nor the estate in any form.

The presumed association of the parties above with Tracy R. Twyman's image is fraudulent and did necessitate a legal action from Tracy R. Twyman Estate.

Nor the parties listed, are equipped with the sufficient intellectual capacity and necessary culture, nor do demonstrate a history of such, as the moral character is lacking, to postulate valid public "statements" regarding Tracy R. Twyman body of work, and "statements" regarding the histories of the late Tracy R. Twyman life and career.

Including statements that are advertised publicly by the parties above, regarding Tracy Twyman's 'religion' and "system of beliefs", and statements addressing her mental state and mental health and the circumstances of Tracy's death.

Tracy Twyman, and her Estate, do not uphold nor are part of the "religion" and "system of beliefs" of the aforementioned parties

Nor Tracy Twyman, nor her Estate are part of 'Rx Only Picture Show' Discord servers activities including those of the moderators; nor are affiliated, nor endorse the "hate speech" statements that are expressed publicly within these servers including but not limited to statements that are defined as 'antisemitism' and express a sentiment of antisemitism.

 We absolutely do not tolerate hate, nor 'hate speech' in any form or expression.
Such is also against our ideology, ideals, humanism and what the Estate stands for.